
Ya Gotta do or Ya Gada be

When it comes to search, most people choose Google, Yahoo or MSN. Others prefer Ask Jeeves, A9 or Clusty. Here is a very interesting new entry called Gada.Be Most people never go past the first page of search results. solves this by just giving you one page. Golly gee, it's a whole new paradigm.

This new site is a creation of Chris Pirillo who also did the computer geek site LockerGnome. The .be suffix is the country code for Belgium. Country codes can be used by anyone, anywhere, it seems. Note the use of .tv for instance that some television sites use, although it is the country code for Tuvalu.

Talking about new paradigms, the way to enter a search query at Gada.Be is by creating a new sub-domain. Say what? OK, pay attention class. First clear the address bar by pressing [F6] or mouse-click in the bar, then type in your search terms as follows. If the search is for "free money" (search for these two words as a phrase) type However, if the search is for "free" and/or "money" then type dashes instead of periods as in Once you arrive at the site, there is a search bar where you enter terms in the conventional way. As for the quality of the search results, only you can decide.


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